Blog COVID Antiviral Pill Merck says it has first antiviral pill found to be effective against COVID Molnupiravir is an experimental antiviral drug which is orally active and was developed for the treatment of influenza. It is a prodrug of the synthetic nucleoside derivative N4-hydroxycytidine, and exerts its antiviral action through introduction of copying errors during viral RNA replication. […]
Blog Bitcoin Price Jumps After U.S. Says It Has No Plans to Ban Crypto Worries over regulation have kept a lid on cryptocurrency prices in recent months Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies jumped suddenly Friday, a day after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the U.S. didn’t have plans to ban cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin rose 10.8% from its 5 p.m. ET value on Thursday to $48,109.69, its highest level in almost […]
Auto Worm-Like Amphibian A strange new species of worm-like amphibian which was recently discovered in Panama has been named after President Donald Trump, by a company that says it wanted to raise awareness about the problem of climate change. U.K. sustainable construction firm EnviroBuild paid $25,000 for the right to name the amphibian Dermophis donaldtrumpi at an auction […]
Blog Chushu The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms. Chǔshǔ, Shosho, Cheoseo, or Xử thử (traditional Chinese: 處暑; simplified Chinese: 处暑; pinyin: chǔshǔ; Japanese: 処暑; rōmaji: shosho; Korean: 처서; romaja: cheoseo; Vietnamese: xử thử; literally: “limit of heat”) is the 14th solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude […]
Animals A Newly Discovered Species Of Moth No doubt Donald Trump will be showered with honors at his inauguration, but none will be quite as unique as this little moth. A biologist has named a newly discovered species of moth after our next president. The Neopalpa donaldtrumpi is a wee little creature found in parts of California and Baja, Mexico. It seems […]
Animals $632K For A Single Tuna A sushi chain boss paid $632,000 for a 466-pound bluefin tuna at auction on Thursday. The 74.2 million yen winning bid for the prized but imperiled species was the second highest ever after a record 155.4 million yen bid in 2013 at the annual New Year auction at the famed Tsukiji market. Kiyomura Corp. owner […]
Blog ‘ALF’ Actor Meszaros Michu Meszaros, the actor who played “ALF” in the popular ’80s sitcom, has died, according to longtime friend and manager Dennis Varga. Meszaros, who stood only 33 inches tall, had a stroke last Thursday and had been hospitalized since. Varga says the 76-year-old actor died Sunday night. Meszaros wore a full-body suit to portray the […]
Animals National Panda Day March 16 is National Panda Day, a day for celebrating the fluffiest, bamboo-munching bears. Every year on March 16, we celebrate the fluffiest, bamboo-munching bears that are a source of national pride for China. There are two subspecies of panda: The Giant, black and white panda, and the ‘Qinling panda’ – A much smaller, brown […]